Sunday, September 12, 2004


I've been busting my ass to make up for the F's I've been collecting this semester, but somehow, my best just isn't good enough. It's like everything I do is half-baked. I feel so mediocre. Ever since I got into college, I've been feeling like this. Everything I do seems to not work for me. Yes, I know grades aren't everything... But come on. With all the effort I'm giving, this is ALL I get afterwards?!? Somehow the finished product undermines the satisfaction I get for having prepared well. I really hate this.

I'm not happy anymore.

1 comment:

Hazel aka Zizzy said...

hey. that's just college. it ain't life. Life's like that a hundred fold. believe me. You do your best like there's nothing better than your best... then all you get is a pea sized thanks. or sometimes nothing even.

Don't fret. What's important is You're ENJOYING every single minute of it :p sounds corny. but yeah. it's true :D