But lo & behold, after taking a big responsibility in our org, I noticed that the way I work & think is very much the thing I discriminate against. Probably not the impractical & narrow-minded part. I might even be too practical & open-minded that I won't keep still until the plan is fool-proof.
It got me thinking why I suddenly came to be like this. It's probably because this is the biggest responsibility I've ever taken in my life. I'm afraid of letting people & myself down on my first real "job". I guess the presence of a lot of OCs in our org also added to my anxiety while planning stuff. (Yeah, sure, blame it on the others. heheÜ)
Moving on, I was out with two of my high school friends last Thursday. For the most part, we walked around the mall just window shopping (because we didn't have much cash). Before we started all the walking, we had lunch & during that time, I had brought up the fact that I am a purposeful shopper, meaning, when I go to the mall, it's because I need to buy something & I already know what I'm going to buy. Still, we did the whole window shopping thing & I wasn't exactly too happy about it. One, because my feet hurt from all the slow-paced walking we did without ever buying anything to at least compensate for the pain, & two, because we didn't really get to catch up much because we were moving around. When we did finally get to sit down, I was too tired to talk. But hey, I did enjoy my brownie fudge Ice Monster!Ü (Yum! I want another one tomorrow!Ü)
In all honesty, I can't really say that I didn't enjoy my time with them. I mean, not hanging out with them for a year (or more than that, I can't remember) really made me miss their company a lot. Where else can you find friends with whom you can be yourself & change over time & still accept you & love you the same way? But you know, despite the childish complaining I did, I'm still so glad I got to be with them that day (I almost didn't). I really needed the break. I guess the three of us did. Being with them was like coming home...
Hinahanap-hanap kita Manila, ang ingay mong kay sarap sa tenga... -- Hotdog
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