Friday, June 02, 2006

What Now? Part 2

I just read Bea's recent post about life after graduation. It got me thinking about my own situation again.

I received two e-mails from two different organizations hiring fresh graduates. Having been fortunate enough to come from a prestigious university, I just realized how lucky I am to be able to literally sit & wait for opportunities to come to my doorstep. There are a lot of people out there who NEED to get jobs for their families but couldn't because the good jobs are reserved for people like me. Sometimes I feel that I don't deserve all of this. I probably don't. But those people out there who've been looking for jobs since forever to provide for their families don't deserve that kind of hardship either. It's just not fair. It's not fair that I get several opportunities to pursue my crazy ideals while there are others who cannot even afford to HAVE ideals. That's not right at all.

One e-mail was from a Fortune 500 company. Well-established, pays well, great benefits. They're looking for someone to work at Human Resources -- something that I have a lot of experience with in my college organization. It's also a bonus that I took a Training course as my Psych elective in senior year. Although I have some aptitude for this type of work, I don't feel that it's a job that I'd love & would fight for.

The other one was from an NGO aimed at public education. Still young but pretty established, have no idea if they'll be paying. They're looking for a Communications Officer or something like that. I like people. I love being with people. I communicate well with all kinds of people. Plus their cause is something that I'm very passionate about. BUT they want a sample of a written work. Back in grade school, I was told that I wrote well, but definitely not the same case in recent years. Maybe I write good formal letters, which is something that I have quite an experience with, but other than that, I have nothing Palanca-Award worthy to submit. And I don't know how to make posters using Photoshop.

The question in one of my previous posts still stands: WHAT NOW?

I thought that things would be clearer to me once I've graduated. I've planned it all out before even graduating from grade school. Amazingly, everything went according to plan, right up to graduation day last March. Now that it's all finally over, I'm quite surprised at how clueless I really am to dealing with the world, the REAL world. I've always seen myself as sensible, responsible, adaptable, a girl with a good head on her shoulders. But during my four years in college, I've come to know about the scared little girl inside me, afraid of trying out & doing things on her own, afraid of being alone. I guess I've still got a lot more growing up to do.

Life is ALWAYS more complicated than we think. I'm just glad that we learn something new about it every now & then.

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